
Foundation date



#Medical Technology


LiveLunger is a young startup (°2024) in Ghent active in developing telemonitoring solutions for self-management of patients with diseases of the respiratory system. The first product LungBeat, for asthma patients, is a fully functional, CE certified, digital assistant showing at all times whether the patient's asthma is under control. LiveLunger's ambitions are to globally, significantly push the current state-of-the-art in home monitoring and take LiveLunger far beyond the competition.

Through home measurements of lung capacity with the bluetooth-connected spirometer and by answering 7 questions in the LungBeat self-management app, the patient receives weekly confirmation whether his/her asthma is under control. LungBeat links the PROMS (patient reported outcomes) and spirometer data to the personal action plan (treatment path and medication plan) uploaded into the LungBeat web portal by the relevant HCP. Based on simple notifications, LungBeat translates this action plan into recommendations around medication adjustments or advice to contact the HCP. Conversely, the web portal gives the HCP continuous feedback on the patient's condition. The first version of LungBeat is currently commercially available.

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