flanders.bio is the driving force for the sustained growth of the life sciences sector in Flanders. The aim of our projects and platforms is to build enough critical mass to bring together companies and research institutes around specific topics.

  • HR Managers Club

    flanders.bio’s HR Managers Club is a networking & knowledge exchange platform for managers of our member companies working in and passionate about human resources (HR managers, CEOs or CFOs). Read more

  • Medvia

    The spearhead cluster Medvia aims to further strengthen the position of Flanders as one of the top regions in life sciences and health technology worldwide. This cluster is an initiative by flanders.bio, DSP Valley and MedTechFlanders.

  • Flanders Vaccine

    Flanders Vaccine aims to stimulate innovation in vaccine related research & business as well as to catalyse public-private partnerships. Read more


    The OPINNO platform aims to introduce the life sciences industry to university and university college STEM students. This platform, coordinated by flanders.bio, uniquely unites all five universities in Flanders (UGent, UAntwerp, KU Leuven, VUB and UHasselt) and also involves colleges such as EhB, VIVES and Howest. Read more

  • Agri-foodtech Flanders


    Agri-foodtech Flanders is a non-profit strategy driven agrifood science and technology platform initiated by flanders.bio, in collaboration with VIB, ILVO, VITO, Flanders’FOOD, UGent, KU Leuven, UHasselt, BASF, Biotalys, Aphea.Bio and Urban Crop Solutions. Read more

  • RésuMe

    This orientation tool will guide you in your future study and career choices. RésuMe uses your acquired knowledge and soft skills to determine your profile. This is matched to study trajectories and job profiles that Life Science and Health professionals can aspire to at career inflection points. View tool

  • SuitAbility

    SuitAbility aims to help companies in finding a good match between a vacancy and a potential candidate. By using SuitAbility, companies can add information about the vacancy and are able to specify the required competences of a candidate. Subsequently, vacancies will be matched to potential candidates, who must submit their background information and competences. View tool

  • Codex4SMEs

    The Interreg North-West Europe Codex4SMEs project has the mission of "the right drug, at the right dose, at the right time, to the right patient“. The project supports small and medium-sized (SME) companies active in life sciences and medical technology in the development of innovative diagnostics for improved personalised healthcare in Europe. The project offers a wide range of activities along the entire value chain and the opportunity to join a large diagnostics network. Read more

  • EHAB

    The European Hub for Advanced Development in Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials (EHAB) aims to accelerate the delivery of innovative health techniques and products in the area of advanced therapies/regenerative medicine and biomaterials to citizens and patients who need it. Read more


    In early December 2023, the new European project B-TRUST, coordinated by Flanders’ FOOD, was launched. This initiative aims to accelerate the adoption of biotech innovations with a positive sustainability impact for the food and bio-based industries. This by developing an innovative and inclusive governance model that promotes transparency and trust among the so-called ‘4H’ actors. Central to this effort is the involvement of consumers and citizens through co-creation. The project is a collaboration among the Flemish biotech cluster flanders.bio, the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB), co-creation and social innovation experts Alice and LAMA, and the European agri-food clusters Flanders' FOOD, FOOD+i and Food & Bio Cluster Denmark.

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